What Goes Into Determining Surface Water Quality?


There are many things that can turn a clean source of water into one that is polluted. What is important is determining how to measure surface water quality. Whether a company that uses water for production or a water supply for a city, clean water is of the utmost importance to everyone.

However, there are far too many cases of water pollution that are heard about. Research shows that almost a quarter of all beaches in the United States are closed per year due to pollution. Pesticides can be large contributors to much of the polluted water in the United States. People in the United States use over 2.2 billion pounds of various pesticides every single year.

It is important to note that different state may have difference surface water quality requirements. The standard for water quality monitoring is set by the EPA.

There are companies that can travel from location to location to monitor the surface water quality of different areas. A big advantage of this monitoring style is that nearby conditions will be known. Accurate reporting ensure that measurements can be collected and compared between different areas.

Collecting data helps to identify if any problematic patterns are occurring in multiple areas. In events where diseases were found in water, knowing the scope of said disease would be crucial.

Another purpose these groups serve is to measure how effective a water treatment system is. There can be big trouble faced by water protection companies that are not doing their proper job.

Environmental consulting companies can find out true and accurate measurements of surface water quality. Recent reports concerning water quality showed that 45 percent of streams and 47 percent of the lakes in the United States were polluted.

These measurements could prove to be very valuable when states are required to submit their findings.

In closing, measuring surface water quality is important for many reasons. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of those who come into contact with the water being tested. Having safe water eliminates an endless amount of diseases that could be spread.

One way that water surface quality is tested is through companies that go collect water data from multiple areas. This data is valuable for both reporting and safety purposes.

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